Note - this is the part one of two of my series on Stalker Bryan. To help me pay for things like this incredibly expensive trip to Detroit for TPUSA (which Stalker Bryan has followed me to!), it’s for paid subscribers. If you prefer to use CashApp or Paypal, just let me know your email address so I can upgrade you here on my end.
Four months ago, I had no idea who Bryan Betancur was. Now, I can hear his voice in my mind, as clear as when he’s actually speaking to me. Like a toddler demanding to know why or are we there yet, his questions play on repeat — in real life, and in my head.
"Excuse me, lady, let me ask you something. If you do not like conservatives, why you going to these events?”
But Bryan didn’t talk to me at all the weekend we first “met.” The day after the Take Our Borders Back rally, local counter protesters held a small gathering at a park in Eagle Pass, Texas. Most of the out-of-towners left them alone, but I noticed a young man in a We The People shirt skulking around, wearing wired headphones that plugged into nothing as he recorded the crowd on his phone.
That’s Bryan Betancur, someone in a researcher group chat told me when I shared a screenshot of him. Be careful. He’s dangerous.