Amanda Hugnkis is such an old gag, I can’t believe anyone wouldn’t recognise it...anyway hope you and your husband I.P. Freely are doing well.

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This is the funniest thing I have ever seen

look at this world and tell me God isn't a hack writer for the most over-the-top satire in the universe, you can't

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I had to tell my editor to expect a bunch of people to respond to my writing with "she's just a pathological liar who keeps making up her identity" lmao

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Oooooh I get it now..Sigma Johnson = Sigmund Frued.. and that means something about hooking up with you’re own mom.. and Johnson is just a regular name so it’s incognito 🤷‍♂️ a little complicated if you ask me

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I remember that tweet. I had no idea it was going to get that kind of traction. I sort by new, so I see stuff with little interactions. I just assume some things won't reach a wider audience.

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