This is just a great article. Many thanks for taking the time. Key for me is this: "For reasons I cannot understand, there is still a staunch refusal by many to acknowledge that the entire GOP is rotted with white nationalism and QAnon conspiracy."
I keep a watching brief at a forum devoted to Ayn Rand and Objectivist Living. The epistemic collapse on the forum is partly explicable via your analysis.
This is just a great article. Many thanks for taking the time. Key for me is this: "For reasons I cannot understand, there is still a staunch refusal by many to acknowledge that the entire GOP is rotted with white nationalism and QAnon conspiracy."
I keep a watching brief at a forum devoted to Ayn Rand and Objectivist Living. The epistemic collapse on the forum is partly explicable via your analysis.
I just have one elemental question: Has anyone asked themselves WHY some on the Right are angry?